Re-examining the Plaque-Gingivitis Connection and the Role of Stannous Fluoride
Course Number: 579
Course Contents
New Insights Show Stannous Fluoride Can Benefit Both Diseased and Healthy Patients
Recent research shows that in addition to patients with a large number of bleedings sites, healthy subjects (low number of bleeding sites) can similarly see meaningful improvement via plaque toxicity modulation with regular use of a bioavailable SnF2 dentifrice.37
In addition to these patient groups with existing gingivitis, another subset of individuals has gingival tissues which appear relatively healthy with little or no bleeding. Their future susceptibility to disease is unknown. Is there a case to be made for these individuals using an antimicrobial bioavailable SnF2 toothpaste? Klukowska et al demonstrated that low bleeding, minimally impacted (‘healthy’) participants still experienced statistically significant reductions in endotoxin and TLR activity with SnF2 usage;37 this is known to mitigate the inception of inflammation. Just as adults wear seatbelts when driving to protect against harm in a potential accident, antimicrobial SnF2 usage may provide a form of ‘insurance’ against the otherwise high statistical likelihood of developing gingivitis. Few other preventive measures are as cost-effective and easy to implement; and promise more in the way of meaningful plaque and gingivitis control.